
Showing posts from March, 2011

Vanilla Latte

Going back to Starbucks again.  Should have ordered this last two days.  Haha.. feel so relaxed after I finish my law mid-term test.  Feel lighten up after coming out from the examination room and I am looking forward for my mid-term break though it last for a week only..  It is better than nothing yeah.  Haha cheers ;-)

Cocoa Cappucino

I had the latest Starbucks' beverage in this early evening..  I nearly get killed by this beverage.  Gosh.. innocently ordered high content of caffeine that my heart could not even take it.  Luckily I only drank around half Venti size. I experienced slow pacing heartbeats and everything in my stomach just mingle non-stop  I opt to order other beverages instead of trying the latest ones.. Haiz.. its a good experience though  :-)
Law is tormenting me :'( ;'( Help me!!!