
Showing posts from November, 2011
I said time flies and it really does mean it. Get it?? =) Ive done my final paper last night for this semester and Im gonna spend my 3 months holiday in my hometown Sounds fun and exciting Am really looking forward for the days!! Now what shall I do to spend my time wisely besides reading books and chatting in Skype? I need you right now!! Please  =')

Final Examination!!

Gash.. tomorrow my final is gonna start again =(   Wondering what will I be doing again in the examination hall for this time  Anxiety, pessimism, unconfident, brain stop functioning, tired .. these all are striking me to infinity  I don't know how and don't know what to do  Tell me dolls..   Final is really killing me slowly..  Will write again soon asap on my final's last day which is 23rd of Nov.  A worthwhile day to celebrate.. definitely one!!!