
Showing posts from February, 2011
*Shout out loud to Siew Ping* I love your words.. PACK N' GO To dearest Siew Ping : Pack Me and I'll go with you! :P

Antonym of Good?

Darn, I'm in the wrong class this morning. I was supposed to be in the CIC class but I ended up walking into the wrong classroom. When I walked in there, I saw familiar faces and realized there were more students than I had expected earlier. Why? And I see my course coordinator, Bibiana was standing in front and introducing the subject just like giving sermon. My CIC lecturer should be Wang Su Chen who I never met before. Is it there's a sudden notice that CIC unit has changed to another lecturer who was standing in front of me? I thought that I am the first person enrolling CIC unit among my friends. I am the outcase 2nd year student who enrol for CIC when only most of the 3rd students will take that subject. 
I am so enchanted to meet you!

Green Hill

This morning, me and my family go to Green Hill for blessing  While my dad does the praying, my mom collects the blessing waters and vegetarian noodle Haha.. when I go home .. DARN  I see my bag pack soaked in water cause the blessing water spilled out from the plastic bags and wat..  My camera is in there..  Now I could not switch on my camera cause it was drown 2 hours ago in my bag Haha.. I think I need to send my camera to ICU soon.. haha  Looking for a Sony centre now.. haha

Lung Si Association Dinner

Association dinner for Chinese New Year celebration .. haha

KFC for Lunch

Last night Ek Jie said that she feels like having KFC's spicy chicken  And wat.. let us have it tomorrow afternoon then.. Haha we went to her house nearby KFC  I tried the latest promotion food which is fish donut.. Not bad but I still prefer KFC's cheezy wedges.. haha

4th Day of CNY

Wow.. this afternoon me and my friends gathered at my house And watched Haunted Changi When my parents left the house for visiting, we turned of all the lights To make the movie more thrilled and exciting..  Wow.. my friends were all sitting together and  each has a pillow covering half their faces.. Haha Haunted Changi will be a recommended movie for me  Coz it shows all the original footage of the Old Changi Hospital that the crew has captured in there.. haha  Then we went to Basaga for dinner as we all had planned earlier Unfortunately, Basaga was loaded tonight and we changed to Courtyard instead.. Haha 

3rd Day of CNY

Wow.. went for a whole day visiting..  Haha really enjoy the fun of talking with my friends  Haha.. and mostly we had it during CNY  Haha.. I looking forward for the upcoming new year..  Haha

1st day of CNY

Hey.. this is it  Chinese New Year's first day  It has been always a big day for chinese and so for me.. Haha love the feeling of getting alot of snacks in my house to grab  Haha..munchie munchie. Siew Ping babe.. me and Ek Jie went to her house this afternoon  Ek Jie come to pick me.. haha so happy to sit in her car.. And the set up for her car really suits for couple like us.. Haha so conveniently design..  Haha

Chinese New Year Eve

Wow.. time really goes off very fast Haha.. I had my reunion dinner with my big family at Dong Guan  Really like the feeling of being united.. haha  We whispered, chatted, laughed, shouted, walked about, played and Did all sorts of crazzie things.. haha  Yeah we all are having fun during the dinner We continued the night to my brother's adopted mom house Haha so happy to meet her new doggie.. So cute .. and she named her BABY GAGA  Really wanna go to her house again to meet Baby.. haha