Antonym of Good?

Darn, I'm in the wrong class this morning. I was supposed to be in the CIC class but I ended up walking into the wrong classroom. When I walked in there, I saw familiar faces and realized there were more students than I had expected earlier. Why? And I see my course coordinator, Bibiana was standing in front and introducing the subject just like giving sermon. My CIC lecturer should be Wang Su Chen who I never met before. Is it there's a sudden notice that CIC unit has changed to another lecturer who was standing in front of me? I thought that I am the first person enrolling CIC unit among my friends. I am the outcase 2nd year student who enrol for CIC when only most of the 3rd students will take that subject. 

I whispered to the girl beside me that what subject is this right now? She answered me OB. Okay maybe CIC has another abbreviation which is OB. Am I showing the arrogant attitude that I'm unwilling to raise up any white flags? Am I trying not to accept the fact that I'm coming into the wrong class despite all the obvious points proving me I'm not suppose to be in this room? I need someone to pinpoint me. So, I whispered to girl again what OB stands for? And I hear ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOR. SHIT!!!

You see, even though I'm in 2rd year, I am still not as alert as I should be. I should have kept myself updated with the classes arrangement in my allocation. SHIT Again!!! I was looking forwards for my CIC class and the hope is in the trash right at this moment. 


I as a 2nd yr student, still commit STUPID MISTAKE just like a new comer student. And maybe even new comer students are more alert than me. I don't blame anyone and me as well. Still, my white flag is not risen. When I realized that I'm sitting in the wrong class, I feel like submerging down and crawling out from the class without attracting the attention of the other souls in the class. 

WHAT A DAY I had done for myself. I can foresee that I will commit this STUPID MISTAKE again in the upcoming semesters. Can I escaped from this habit? No! Cause I guess I am born to get attach with this problem.

However, I still need to take my own responsibility and accept my punishment for not being sufficiently alert. Therefore, I had to sit in this OB lecture for 2 hours instead of my relaxing 1 hour CIC lecture. And I need to pay additional RM1 for my parking. :'( 

DARN my clumsiness. 

Lastly, may I asked, "Today, how I should love you?" 



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