
High heels are never my thoughts to wear when I'm alone
With you, there will be me wearing high heels around
I walk, strut, tiptoe, run and swift flawlessly with my high heels
To know that you are always by my side to hold me whenever I fall
This confidence I have never felt it before
And I don't feel far nor awkward or even strange with it
And and I like it somehow because it is interesting

I think Im addicted to this feeling right now
It is amazing, butterflies in stomach
How shall I describe it when L.O.V.E is just 4 little alphabets to named it
It is fearless to have you always around swirling in my mind
The first time and everything is perfect as if planned
Drag me and lead me to the ending but shhhhh, don't tell me what is the ending
Cause I want to keep it as misery for both of us

Ever since the feeling grows, everything is jus enchanted for me
Enchanted to meet you
Enchanted to hold you
Enchanted to keep you
Enchanted to kiss you
Enchanted to feel you
Enchanted to listen to your heartbeat that tells me the same as well

Confetti falling down to the ground and sweep away
Bringing our story to the next part
There will be ups and downs as the wind is strong maybe weak a little while
We feel blissful when the strong ones comes
But don't feel sad or disappointed when the weak ones comes
We shall feel more blissful every time we overcome the weak ones
Are you willing to work this together with me?

You don't have to tell the world because I know the answer
And this answer will stay forever and always
Even it rains in our heart, in our bedroom, in our scars
Think of our unforgettable moments, you will feel lighter
And there you goes, the answer appears again as I said it stays forever and always
Thank you for this
P.S. your love.


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