I most preferred indie and acoustic genres
Sometimes I listen to rock and jazz songs
My playlist comes from wide range
I listen to songs that people will not expect
To them, I am not being me
What should I be?
Should I act like everybody expected me to be?
At times, being special and unique feels good
At times, it makes us feel tired and exhausted
We want to quit but to save the pride we try to keep on being special
Why we want to act in that way?
Although people claimed that they don’t mind the others,
They still care and they realized it but to save the pride they will not admit
I say it seems that everybody is living for others
What say you?

I solve my own obstacles
I have my own thoughts
I listen to my own opinion and
I believe in myself
I want people to live independently
I wished people are not tearing when they are sad
I wished people will not complain when they face problems
But things will not work the way I want
And I know I could not suppress these from happening
Because it will be unfair to make them act like one
Because the world is not spinning for me instead but for everyone
I say I should see in this perceptions that
Ain’t these things just make us human has lots of feeling
Ain’t these things make our lives more meaningful
And our life will not be just flat and dull
What say you?

Why we should compare ourselves to the more fortunate
Why we will not compare ourselves to the more unfortunate
Because we know that we will sound more pitiful if compare to the more fortunate
Because we know that we will sound more fortunate comparing to the unfortunate ones
Overall because we this little humans want to win in every argument
People mind when they lose in all sorts of stuff
Some people choose to try harder and win back
Some people mind at that moment only and let it go as time passes
Some people let the feeling linger forever and stay timid
I think we should try harder and win back
And see I act just like some other people
So, I ain’t special though
What say you?

We learnt to talk
We learnt alphabets and numbers
We learnt writing and reading
We applied everything that we’ve learnt in our life
We used words to express our feelings
We used actions to express our feelings
We know that sometimes words couldn’t describe our feeling perfectly
We know that sometimes we are laid back in expressing our real feelings
We know that sometimes actions couldn’t show what we want
And we are clear towards each other that even though words couldn’t describe our feeling,
We still will not choose to take actions to tell people what we feel
Are we being timid?
Does this show we care for the other one?
Or it means that we mind what people will think negative about us when we show what we want and what we feel
What say you then?


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