Expensive word.

Youth, this word has left me and you long time ago
Only the memories in your mind could bring you back there
U ought to know how shall we play the games in the other world

Things will not have gone this way, isnt it?
Has times jus swap all away when the sweet gone, bitter comes
Everything you said to me, I dont wish to remember most of the bits

Because keeping them in mind will hurt me one day, I know
Regretting, I dont want to go through this and I know I wont
Even so, next time I will made promises to you again
Although youve broken mine, no worries I will made mine come true
Knowing that it feels awful to treat the others this way like what I came through
Easily said from your mouth but I dont know it easily left your mind as well
R you still gonna give me more and do the same thing again?


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