
Showing posts from 2011
I said time flies and it really does mean it. Get it?? =) Ive done my final paper last night for this semester and Im gonna spend my 3 months holiday in my hometown Sounds fun and exciting Am really looking forward for the days!! Now what shall I do to spend my time wisely besides reading books and chatting in Skype? I need you right now!! Please  =')

Final Examination!!

Gash.. tomorrow my final is gonna start again =(   Wondering what will I be doing again in the examination hall for this time  Anxiety, pessimism, unconfident, brain stop functioning, tired .. these all are striking me to infinity  I don't know how and don't know what to do  Tell me dolls..   Final is really killing me slowly..  Will write again soon asap on my final's last day which is 23rd of Nov.  A worthwhile day to celebrate.. definitely one!!! 
Hi dolls, Ive been here for 3 months. exactly 3 months.. no culture shock for me yet and life at here is just fine for me.. well maybe you picked anonymous people who likes here, they will say Melb is definitely a great place to stay in. So are you one of those that wants to come to Melb also? Well family and friends are still waiting for me in my hometown. I still prefer Kuching's life where I have more relaxation and spending more times with family and hanging out with friends to catch up about every craps that we can talk about.  Wheres my daddy homemade laksa??? =)
I was doing my assignment about global financial crisis (GFC).. I was thinking about GFC and try to draft something about GFC. When this abbreviation keeps repeating in my pages, I practically typed out KFC.. gash what a typo I had. Maybe KFC is running in my mind instead.. =)
Just dont know how to be someone you miss
am listening to Chinese New Year songs right now just had a sudden of missing new year's feeling hope that my neighbours will feel the same as well when they are listening to my playing songs.. hahaha.. Happy Chinese New Year to YOU!!

Far Away From Home

Dolls.. I've reached Melbourne one week ago Lives at here are all about walking for hours which are damn tiring, cant afford those expensive foods which I promised myself when I get back to my hometown one day I will just grab all my chances and eat everything I could without bothering my weight.. Nothing else anymore coz the rest stays cool for me and I adapt myself very well I guess Oh yeah one more thing that I dislike is I have to cook my own every day meals. Im not a child inherited by my dad good cooking skills and has interest on them. I got my moms genes instead. Smile* Definitely I do miss my family and my room sweet room.. haha and of course I cant deny that I miss YOU as well. I will like to meet you one day if given by any chances.. wu la la*
Tick tock tick tock Time is waiting for you when you've nothing to do 
Love hectic schedule Love tiring day Love my Saltwater Room =))
Yes.... I finally own you I love you It has been ages for me to search you Damn it.. the most important is I have you right now I really love you!
Give me your love and I will give you my world Just stay if you want to stay
A Decision for me to fly off in the end of July is still unconfirmed yet I wonder whether it is really unconfirmed or my heart is unprepared What I ought to do? Sitting in the dining room to have a close study about this issue!?!?
Gash times are flying. Guys, what are you doing outta there? At this moment, I know you are reading my blog but what's up for next??? My nightmare has just ended and I will not be holding pen for hours in this coming 2 months. Last night, I went to Platform, a bar/lounge with my friends. We all have fun of course because we are all free from books and stress in 2 months period. Should I feel this long or short? Time flies guys. So I think 2 months shalt be consider short. Am having insomnia lately which is the thing that I don't understand why. Maybe just too much caffeine content circulating in my blood.  Ok.. just don't bother about all these little matters. We should get out there and let everything Play On!! Enjoy yo. =)))

Exams.. urgh!

So tomorrow morning I will be sitting in the exam hall Kicking my legs, Shaking my chairs, Scratching heads (to think that this way can helps me to get the most logical answers) to write in the blank paper, Looking around at people who are anxiously writing all their answers in the paper makes me feel pathetic and get more nervous, Then I start to scratch my head even harder to get answers which absolutely wont come out in that way of course, In the end, I will just hand in my paper with the least confidence and tell my lecturer, I will see you soon. Time passes very very soon which I dislike it so much Hatred urgh!! Tomorrow I will finish my first paper I know soon my final exam will be ended soon And the next post will be me writing here that my final exam has ended!
What shalt I do when I have 2 incomplete, 2 have-not-started assignments & & & & & final papers coming up in less than a month? Do tell me babes!

Happy Buffday to

A person who mumbles me her secret the most is M umbler A person who understands me the most is U nderstanding A person who mourns after giving me a whip is M ourner A person who never misgive me is a non- M isgiver  A person who always have me feeling yearn is Y earner Happy Birthday to MUMMY & Happy Mummy 's Day in advanced Love you!
Family babes, Hall 2 is ready for us!!!

Cows & Sheep

This is the story of my stray pets  I keep two stray cows and one stray sheep as my pets They are best friends forever Let me describe these two stray cows and one stray sheep for you Everyone knows cows have four legs, a fluffy tail, big and small black spots on the white fur while everyone knows as well sheep has four legs, white fur, a fluffy tail, and what else? I will ask my family members to pinpoint me more about their physical characteristics And I give them names too I have them running about and playing around in a mini forestry just opposite my house Every time when I called out for them, I shouted BOOBIES There goes two stray cows and one stray sheep accelerated towards me  Besides, I spit out different words to differ amongst them  Vajayjay, Cum & Semen.. what a nice name for each I love them and I adore them   This is the story of my stray pets
I cant get you off my mind still Nobody realize it but only me  I teared on your shirt you left me Nobody realize it but only me Every night I prayed for you Nobody realize it but only me I hope you will tell me one day that You should have not letting me go You should have not leaving me behind  You should have prove your love towards me You should have not start this with me  And I should have do my part to keep chasing you back  No more regrets  No more sighs  No more reminisces  Because there are all  Gone  Just all gone Written by: Prudence X'x

Vanilla Latte

Going back to Starbucks again.  Should have ordered this last two days.  Haha.. feel so relaxed after I finish my law mid-term test.  Feel lighten up after coming out from the examination room and I am looking forward for my mid-term break though it last for a week only..  It is better than nothing yeah.  Haha cheers ;-)

Cocoa Cappucino

I had the latest Starbucks' beverage in this early evening..  I nearly get killed by this beverage.  Gosh.. innocently ordered high content of caffeine that my heart could not even take it.  Luckily I only drank around half Venti size. I experienced slow pacing heartbeats and everything in my stomach just mingle non-stop  I opt to order other beverages instead of trying the latest ones.. Haiz.. its a good experience though  :-)
Law is tormenting me :'( ;'( Help me!!!
*Shout out loud to Siew Ping* I love your words.. PACK N' GO To dearest Siew Ping : Pack Me and I'll go with you! :P

Antonym of Good?

Darn, I'm in the wrong class this morning. I was supposed to be in the CIC class but I ended up walking into the wrong classroom. When I walked in there, I saw familiar faces and realized there were more students than I had expected earlier. Why? And I see my course coordinator, Bibiana was standing in front and introducing the subject just like giving sermon. My CIC lecturer should be Wang Su Chen who I never met before. Is it there's a sudden notice that CIC unit has changed to another lecturer who was standing in front of me? I thought that I am the first person enrolling CIC unit among my friends. I am the outcase 2nd year student who enrol for CIC when only most of the 3rd students will take that subject. 
I am so enchanted to meet you!

Green Hill

This morning, me and my family go to Green Hill for blessing  While my dad does the praying, my mom collects the blessing waters and vegetarian noodle Haha.. when I go home .. DARN  I see my bag pack soaked in water cause the blessing water spilled out from the plastic bags and wat..  My camera is in there..  Now I could not switch on my camera cause it was drown 2 hours ago in my bag Haha.. I think I need to send my camera to ICU soon.. haha  Looking for a Sony centre now.. haha

Lung Si Association Dinner

Association dinner for Chinese New Year celebration .. haha

KFC for Lunch

Last night Ek Jie said that she feels like having KFC's spicy chicken  And wat.. let us have it tomorrow afternoon then.. Haha we went to her house nearby KFC  I tried the latest promotion food which is fish donut.. Not bad but I still prefer KFC's cheezy wedges.. haha

4th Day of CNY

Wow.. this afternoon me and my friends gathered at my house And watched Haunted Changi When my parents left the house for visiting, we turned of all the lights To make the movie more thrilled and exciting..  Wow.. my friends were all sitting together and  each has a pillow covering half their faces.. Haha Haunted Changi will be a recommended movie for me  Coz it shows all the original footage of the Old Changi Hospital that the crew has captured in there.. haha  Then we went to Basaga for dinner as we all had planned earlier Unfortunately, Basaga was loaded tonight and we changed to Courtyard instead.. Haha 

3rd Day of CNY

Wow.. went for a whole day visiting..  Haha really enjoy the fun of talking with my friends  Haha.. and mostly we had it during CNY  Haha.. I looking forward for the upcoming new year..  Haha

1st day of CNY

Hey.. this is it  Chinese New Year's first day  It has been always a big day for chinese and so for me.. Haha love the feeling of getting alot of snacks in my house to grab  Haha..munchie munchie. Siew Ping babe.. me and Ek Jie went to her house this afternoon  Ek Jie come to pick me.. haha so happy to sit in her car.. And the set up for her car really suits for couple like us.. Haha so conveniently design..  Haha

Chinese New Year Eve

Wow.. time really goes off very fast Haha.. I had my reunion dinner with my big family at Dong Guan  Really like the feeling of being united.. haha  We whispered, chatted, laughed, shouted, walked about, played and Did all sorts of crazzie things.. haha  Yeah we all are having fun during the dinner We continued the night to my brother's adopted mom house Haha so happy to meet her new doggie.. So cute .. and she named her BABY GAGA  Really wanna go to her house again to meet Baby.. haha
I most preferred indie and acoustic genres Sometimes I listen to rock and jazz songs My playlist comes from wide range I listen to songs that people will not expect To them, I am not being me What should I be? Should I act like everybody expected me to be? At times, being special and unique feels good At times, it makes us feel tired and exhausted We want to quit but to save the pride we try to keep on being special Why we want to act in that way? Although people claimed that they don’t mind the others, They still care and they realized it but to save the pride they will not admit I say it seems that everybody is living for others What say you?

Sexcy lady

Sexcy lady, let me be your Mr.Perfect And you can control me however you like We will be together from dusk to dawn Don’t you want this babe? Yes.. I bet you were wishing for it since the day we met


I was standing in the corner Suddenly you walked in with your earphones on I paused and my heart stopped beating for awhile Wondering whether you are my Mr. Right


Dad and mom, look what I have now is perfect I keep on walking fast to pursue everything And to achieve what is the best in the world But I was too busy to visit you at home

I Love You

In third September You have come and vowed That you will be the last one To hold my hands till I died

Sacred Love

Hey I fell asleep in your arms It feels good by your side I could not wish for more Except for you to leave me


I've made my own fillings for the croissant that I just bought  Haha.. Eggs + concentrated chicken stock + a pinch of pepper Haha.. wow makes my croissant taste better Love the taste Crunchy and delicious

Xian Ding Wei

Happy New Year to everyone!  Haha.. kinda curious of what will happen this year in my lives surrounding  Ern I celebrated my first day in 2011 with my two besties Haha we hate our lunch in Spring's new restaurant named Xian Ding Wei  It's a Taiwan restaurant but  I could not find any dim sums cuisine served  Haiz..  And we went for window shopping as well  wow.. Mango is having promotion  Most of the garments have discount at 70% off  Of course other boutiques are also having sales  30% off, 50% off.. haha  I just love shopping!  Woots!